Recruit Top Agents in
your marketplace and
be the Super-Broker
that everyone
wants to work for.

Find out how to recruit and retain great agents.


Competition Is Tough

Using tech, large companies are stealing
your agents and beating you up in hiring
new ones.

How can you defend your territory without the right competitive tools?

At times things may seem futile.

There Ought To Be A Way

You have survived and thrived through
numerous challenges before.

You did not get here without fighting your
way through.

An Uphill Battle

We understand that it's an
uphill battle.

It's not easy to attract good
agents who are always
sought after.


We Know

We know that good agents are looking for a company that offers them productivity technology
to close more business.
Our customers, companies like yours, have provided our productivity tools to attract and retain over 100K agents.

Brands We Serve

Your Agent Recruitment and Retention Plan

1. Have us launch CRM, Transaction Management and Financial Management tools in your company.

2. Use our product benefits to differentiate your brokerage to attract good agents.

3. Manage leads, transactions and finances in one pace to retain productive agents.

Our Commitment

planetRE promises to be your technology
partner, offering you the cutting-edge tools
you need, in order to be comptetive in the

We do not compete with you.

Information about your agents, customers
and transactions is kept private and not
shared with anyone.

Find out how to recruit and retain great agents.

Don't Wait Any Longer

Don't let your agents leave your company to
join another to get access to better tools.

Don't lose out on the opportunities to hire
top agents.

Are you Ready?

Get a reputation for being a progressive
minded broker among your peers.

Increase revenue with productive agents
joining your team.

Lower your costs with all tools under one
planetRE umbrella.

Improve productivity of agents resulting in
more sales.

Help your agents reach their potential.

Reach the business growth and stability that
you always wanted.

You got this. We make the process easy and
effortless for you and your staff.

Find out how to recruit and retain great agents.

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