Category Archives: planetRE

Match Maker

1 (Posted on July 19 2017)



You have a seller who would like to meet someone you know looking for the exact home you have listed.


You also have a buyer that would love to see the home you have on the market.


Welcome to planetRE Match Maker – the automated way to double-end.


Using a cupid algorithm running on your lead database, it can match, rank, and alert you for the prospects, based on their preferences such as commute time, lifestyle choices, schools, and many other factors. It can also scan the market real time to look for matching deals and alert you and your client.


One more way our marketing cloud can help you close more business.

One Trick Pony!

1 (Posted on July 13 2017)



Most Real Estate Marketing Solutions are “One Trick Ponies”.




– Email Drips but no automatic spam management


– No texting options.


– Power dialing with clumsy import/export


– Weak social media integration of any value


– No Millennial property search for new generation of buyers


– No FacebookTM/InstagramTM marketing


– …. list goes on and on….


Before you know you subscribe and manage multiple expensed databases that do not TALK to each other.


planetRE Socialite – the only real estate marketing platform with patented technology built into a single cloud database. It allows aggregation, routing, collaboration, incubation, ranking and management of all your leads from all sources, including agent recruitment – and uses all channels like email, texting, voice, power dialer, and multiple social media.


With an integrated transaction management and native e-sign, you can now manage offers, documents, track deals to close easily with a single view.


For team lead and brokers, we have an integrated financial platform with QuickBooks® integration also.


You make money on leads you close and not what you buy.


You need a single powerful database that can help you incubate, track, and analyze all your leads to deals.


We have it and others don’t.



Independence Day – 30% Discount

1 (Posted on July 05 2017)


Come join us on this great day as one nation to liberate ourselves from dogma, unspoken anxieties, fragmentation, resilience to change and it is good enough attitude.


planetRE is leading the revolution in modern real estate by offering an automated unified cloud for marketing, transaction, and financials with single sign on and seamless data integration.


Your business can run as one enterprise rather than fragmented information silos.


During this blissful week, we are offering a flat 30% discount (*) on ALL broker and agent bundle prices.


Talk to us and reach the next level of efficiency, growth, competitiveness and operational transparency you deserve to excel in the new world.


Agent Accountability

Companies chase agents to hire them and seldom track real time – on what they are up to? The lead and agent production data is buried in dozen of systems that do not talk to each other.


How long has it taken from leads to deals?


How much money are you spending, making on deals and the agent – the whole thing.


Give agents monthly quota. Track them. Make them accountable. Make your company profitable.


1 (Posted on June 28 2017)



Now you can see live agent production, sales quota and ranking ALL on your single CRM dashboard. The combined data is delivered real time from planetRE CRM, Transact and Money financials all working concurrently in the cloud 24×7.


No other company or vendor offers you that.


Just don’t hire agents, keep them accountable for profit and prosperity.

How Many Real Estate Leads do you want to Pick from Facebook™ and Instagram™ ?

1 (Posted on June 6 2017)


Do you know that Facebook and Instagram are great sources for real estate leads for agents?


Do you want to generate a lot of buyer and seller leads with Facebook and Instagram without spending a fortune?


Introducing InstaLeads™– brought to you by talented and experienced marketers at planetRE.


We create stunning Ads on your behalf on Facebook and Instagram, targeting specific groups of people who are most likely to buy or sell homes in your area in the near future. We direct the visitors to targeted landing pages displaying exactly what they are looking for. We capture the Leads on the CRM account we create for you, and also send Leads to you by email.


What are you waiting for? Get an edge on your competition today.

Struggling to get Seller Leads

Most residential real estate markets today are driven by sellers.


What are they thinking of?


One is obviously how much is my home worth now?


Second with renovations can my home be worth more? What is my ROI?


Introducing Renovation Estimate for Sellers


1 (Posted on May 23 2017)



planetRE answers these seller anxieties with a differentiated seller site branded to you with search engine marketing – driving traffic and capturing seller leads


Dazzle your sellers with a patented back end CRM using email, text and deep social media communications to send monthly market reports, weekly listing activity reports, Buyer- Seller matchmaking, Millennial Lifestyle Property Search with alerts and more.


There is a lot of competition to get listings.
It is time to differentiate, excel and get planetRE.