Category Archives: planetRE

Will future be a buyer market or seller market?

A concept image showing both sides of an antique coin displaying a heads and a tails side on an isolated white studio background

We ponder these questions constantly to focus our resources. Truth is – it is controlled by factors beyond our reach and can change without any notice.

Hence we are best served by focusing on how our marketing system adapts to both Buyers and Sellers.

planetRE Socialite offers innovative seller portals for home valuation, find a comparison, updated market reports and the new add-on ROI with home improvements.

Buyer side portals offer new Millennial Lifestyle Property Search + Listing alerts, Facebook Apps. Both are backed by a patented CRM with deep social and other marketing automation.

Now you don’t have to make that toss. Your success with planetRE Marketing system is certain no matter where the market lands.



Home Valuation on Steroids

Want leads. Then don’t stop at just telling them how much the home is worth or its price.

How about enhanced home valuation based on kitchen remodeling or adding a new bedroom or improving garage and many such exciting “what if“ options?

1 (Posted on Jan 31 2017)

Your branded website powered by planetRE can now offer consumers great ROI analysis on home renovations for their valuable investment and sell the listing for you.

Call us to find out about such great innovations for branded agent/broker portals that no other vendor offers.

Converged Real Estate Business

unnamed (posted on Jan 26 2017)

Real Estate business has intricate connections between leads, marketing, transactions, closing, financials, and profitability. The larger you grow it gets more intricate.

PlanetRE Cloud platform offer you an integrated automated solution for any size real estate operation to manage marketing, transactions, and financials all in real time.

From millennial search websites, patented CRM, Facebook IDX APPs, Transaction Management with E-sign and a cloud financial management you now have total control and visibility of your business.

Make your real estate business converged to bring efficiency, transparency, and accountability across your company for 2017. That’s the only way to succeed and excel.

Best Kept Secret for 2017

1 (Posted on Dec 26 2016)

The answer is……………… Facebook!

Why? There are several reasons. Keep reading

1 Market is shifting to Millennials who are on Facebook than any other channel. They also share what they like giving the viral effect.

2 While rest of the agents in your market are in a dogfight for the web and portal leads; you do exactly the opposite – get leads from Facebook that are virtually ignored by your competition.

3 The leads that like you on Facebook posts are ‘vetted’ meaning Facebook has made sure that they are real people and can be tracked. So no more anonymous junk leads.

4 Buying Search traffic on Facebook may be cheaper

5 Most agents who dabble on Facebook today redirect the leads to their websites… bad decision!

planetRE Lead Generation Solutions comprise of a variety of special Facebook IDX Search APPs that run and show search results on your native business page(s) – both for agents and brokers. The apps keep leads hooked on your facebook page and you can track their behavior. You could capture a lot of leads with low competition and large ROI.

Come explore the world of Facebook IDX Apps with a patented CRM that lets you “friend” them, “route them”, “know them”, seek new people & common friends, run targeted campaigns, observe likes, actions, feeds and more…. all inside ONE CRM!

Come break away in 2017 from the hustling masses and the broken medley of below average CRM tools.



Are you ready for 2017?

1 (Posted on Dec 14 2016)

Let’s take a simple and honest test

1) Can you capture leads from all sources in your business, into one single database and manage them?

2) Can you communicate with prospects concurrently on channels of their choice? (e.g. Twitter®, Facebook®, Google Hangouts®, Video, Email, Texting etc.)

3) Are you able to send incoming leads to agents based on precise rules for response and hold them accountable?

4) Do you have a consistent lead follow up system that does not take any of your time to setup or run?

5) Do you have lead behavior intelligence to prioritize and rank them?

6) Can you provide the best cloud tools for marketing, transactions, and financials in one place to recruit top agents?

If you have answered NO to one or more of these questions, then your ducks are not lined up.

planetRE combines unique Millennial Search websites with content management, SEO, native Facebook IDX Apps to drive leads and a fully integrated system with CRM, transactions and financials online to take you from “leads to deals”.

Once your ducks are lined up, you will have a great 2017!


Agent Recruitment – 2017

1 (Posted on Dec 5 2016)

Yes. It is like cherry picking. The agents you hire and retain will shape how much money you make in 2017.

It is also about providing agents the connected tools for marketing, transaction, and financials; with complete agent accountability, financials, and analytics at brokerage level.

This can only happen when your cloud Marketing, Transaction, and Financial business components truly connect seamlessly.

This is what we do and excel and no one else does it!

Call today and start cherry picking for 2017!