Category Archives: planetRE

Transaction Management Maths

Transaction Management Maths (Posted on Sep 16 2016)


This is what you get from Transaction Management Systems today:

“One fancy e-sign slapped on to one simple document storage system!”

But none of this is worth if you are hanging your business “in the wind” with poor oversight on risk and financial management.

You need more than that for Real Estate Compliance.
planetRE Transact offers industry’s only complete, scalable brokerage cloud system to manage all your intricate business processes, compliance, documents and transactions online.

With a track record of millions of transactions done and counting, other companies are panting to catch up!

With superior features in multi party collaboration, apps, intelligent document management, advanced modules on risk management, MLS data, seamless integration with our cloud Money solutions, it couples your risk and financial management functions together for total visibility of your business. No one has this!

Yes we do have our share of fancy apps, e-signature solutions and extended support hours to keep your agents and clients happy.

Call us and let’s fix this weird math for you!

Power Dialing – as simple as 1, 2, 3..

Power(Posted on Sep 14 2016)

planetRE Socialite CRM native power dialer is an automated telephone dialing system that connects your caller to leads more efficiently by allowing you to focus on live connections. When a lead becomes available, CRM connects the call. If not it selects another number or try a group of numbers to call same time. This allows you to reach a lot more people than manual dialing.

Being native means it does not need fancy import/export. You can start/ stop, write notes, save logs, record calls all under the same CRM. Most important you don’t have to pay those exorbitant fees that other party dialers charge over the cost of CRM.

planetRE CRM has other advanced features with listing alerts, activity reports, automated market reports, buyer-seller matchmaking, lead intelligence tracking(*) and a lot more to make your lead incubation more fun and productive than any other solution on the market.

Call today and challenge us to show you the most advanced CRM on the market that even the big boys don’t have!

(*) These features need MLS access and website subscription

planetRE Socialite CRM Announces New Cloud Power Dialing Feature

Native Power Dialing within CRM offers high productivity for telemarketing calls to reach more prospects


SANTA CLARA, Calif., August 30, 2016  planetRE, the nation’s leading enterprise cloud vendor for online real estate, announced the release of a new power dialing feature within the CRM cloud. Built with native code and no expensive third party dialer integrations, it offers sales agent the ultimate productivity to reach out to large groups of prospects every day without the burden of dialing phone numbers manually each time.


The process flow for power dialing is very natural inside the CRM unlike other systems that use third party dialers. As leads are created in CRM with action plans optionally attached, they are tagged and scheduled bulk calling list can be automatically created each day for agent. Once initiated, the power dialer session can call numbers automatically in a sequence or call multiple phone numbers concurrently with the dialer connecting to the recipient who picks the phone first. The rest are thrown back in the pool using sophisticated loop back algorithm.


There are no fancy export or import of leads as the dialer is native. All call records are logged in the database automatically including marking off action plans related to calling. With configurable setup for each user, the dialer can change bundle of lines called concurrently, time limits to drop off unanswered lines and other voice mail options.

“This is a long-standing problem for top agents who have paid assistant’s doing telemarketing calls for many hours a day. Cold calling is tiring and slow with manual dialing. Other market solutions requires import/export, expensive third party subscriptions” said Subrao Shenoy, CEO of planetRE. ”Native power dialer in planetRE is the only solution offering maximum efficiency, ease of use and no third party dialer licensing cost”.

About planetRE
planetRE is a privately held cloud vendor, providing Enterprise software to the real estate industry. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, CA; its primary mission is to provide cutting-edge cloud platforms to the global real estate industry in areas of Online Marketing, Transaction and Financial Management. More information about planetRE Socialite CRM can be found on

planetRE and planetRE Socialite are trademarks. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

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Your Consumer Marketing Needs a Makeover

1 (Posted on Aug 22 2016)

Consumer home search behavior has radically shifted with new millennials. The old mundane bedroom & bath searches are passé. They need accurate and fast assessment on the quality of life with their new diggs.

Commute time, schools, noise level, parking spaces, utility costs, lifestyle choices and others play a major role. This is an integral part of their home search process at start and not an afterthought. They want to see few relevant homes rather than hundreds of irrelevant search results.

Your website needs this makeover pronto to cater to this new shift.

planetRE offers branded single pass lifestyle consumer search websites to attract and retain large buyer traffic enabling high lead conversion. No other vendor or national portal offers these exclusive patent pending features.

Call us and get this makeover soon!

Toll Free: 1-800-765-6672


rabbit (Posted on Aug 10 2016)

Chasing leads is like chasing rabbits. There are many of them. They all look promising and yet tiring to catch them. Which one will CLOSE now is the perennial question in sales. If you don’t close, your competitor gets them.

planetRE’s Predictive Marketing converts the art of catching elusive rabbits in to a science. With thousands of preloaded and self-healing campaigns for each lead type, the CRM will work with all of them with no effort on your part.

Load the leads and you are ready to go. You can incubate active leads, FSBOs, leverage past clients, referrals and others. You can activate your entire lead eco system effortlessly.

Call us and run your business the smart way!