Category Archives: planetRE

Do you like a half baked croissant or a fully baked one?


Leads are the same way. Unless you fully “bake and incubate” them, they do not convert to business — no matter what source you originally acquired them from.

planetRE Socialite CRM offers you endless possibilities as a broker or an agent to fully bake and manage your leads — to crispy brown using automatic email, texting, social media and predictive marketing.

Call us and find out!

Drag and Drop for Paperless Transactions

Drag_n_Drop (Posted on Mar 12 2015)

Drag and Drop is the latest innovation in planetRE Transact that allows you to “drag”groups of selected documents from your desktop, folder or email and “drop” right under your online transaction folder. You can then securely store, share across multiple devices and manage them!. It is as simple as that. At the end of the transaction you can burn a company branded CD/DVD for your customer or for your office or choose toVault them under long term secure storage using secure two factor authentication.

With such ease of document management, embedded electronic signatures with a choice of Docusign® or Adobe EchoSign® and a host of work flow and file review features, planetRE offers you the easiest cloud solution to take your entire company paperless.

If you are a single agent, team agent or a 1000 agent brokerage company we will take you paperless in less than a week. If we cannot, we will give your money back(*).

Call us to discuss ways to go paperless and be on the cloud. The convenience, elegance, ease of use and compliance is finally here!

planetRE Releases Cutting Edge Features for Paperless Transactions

City: Santa Clara, Calif., Date : March 10, 2015

New features with Drag and Drop, Dynamic Workflows, File Review and Integrated texting takes standards to a whole new level

planetRE, the nation’s leading technology cloud vendor for online real estate, has announced new cutting edge features for its flagship SaaS platform Transact™ — to help agents and brokerage companies collaborate with documents efficiently and go paperless with ease.

The new Drag and Drop feature allows dragging groups of selected documents from desktop, folder or email and dropping it right underneath the online transaction folder. Users can then securely rename, store, manage and access across multiples devices. These documents can utilize embedded e-signatures with Docusign® or Adobe EchoSign®. At the end of the transaction users can burn a company branded CD/DVD or Vault™ them under long term storage using secure RSA® two factor authentication.

Dynamic work flows enable users to create and enforce variety of contingency based business processes which are typical for real estate transactions. These help streamline the flows under listing and transaction phases. The new Integrated texting allows agents and their ecosystem to be in touch on the transaction with all conversations saved and indexed in log files for compliance review. New changes in file review allows speedier and more efficient ways of transaction compliance approval.

“Document management complexity and compliance has risen significantly in most states with new regulations and so is the need to manage workflow, review processes and client collaborations” said Subrao Shenoy, CEO of planetRE. ”planetRE offers the most easy to use features for a real estate enterprise in document management, work flow, file review standardization and communications using timely collaboration between customers, staff and vendors with logging of all email and texts”.

About planetRE
planetRE is a privately held, leading cloud vendor, providing Enterprise software to the real estate industry. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, CA; its primary mission is to provide cutting edge cloud platforms to the global real estate industry in areas of CRM, Transaction and Financial Management. More information about planetRE Transact can be found

planetRE, planetRE Transact are trademarks. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Is “Pied Piper” now moving in the planetRE Building?



Well.. they featured the high tech Santa Clara corridor and planetRE’s office building in the latest episode of HBO’s Silicon Valley (Season 2, Episode 3), that aired on Sunday April 26, 2015.

The shot includes an aerial view of the building amidst the promising startup’s saga that shows “a day in an entrepreneur’s life” with accuracy. With famous neighbors like Intel, Palo Alto Networks, NetFlix, CISCO, Yahoo, Sophos, and others, this is not a surprise for us. If you wish to come and explore our high tech corridor and our neighbors, let us know. Till then we wish the best for Pied Piper and its continued success against the “Hoolie’s” of the world!

Check the episode clip at

Does your Financial System look like this?

Dinosaur toy on white background


Yes. Real Estate Brokerage Financial Systems are broken today with pieces working here and there. They have no ability to automate diverse commission/fee plans, has limited manual reporting, no analytics..… essentially no pulse of the business. You may be balancing the books but your managers are left in the dark regarding analytics to compete in the marketplace.

Worst you are being cajoled to convert from one dinosaur to another – all frozen in time!

You need one scalable financial system in the cloud, that has pulse of your business real time, automates any commission/fee plan, has web API to port data in/out, provides on demand role based access for reports and analytics, has integrated transaction, paperless, E-signatures and risk management platform.

One system that can drive your business in to the 21st century.

That system is planetRE!