Is “Pied Piper” now moving in the planetRE Building?



Well.. they featured the high tech Santa Clara corridor and planetRE’s office building in the latest episode of HBO’s Silicon Valley (Season 2, Episode 3), that aired on Sunday April 26, 2015.

The shot includes an aerial view of the building amidst the promising startup’s saga that shows “a day in an entrepreneur’s life” with accuracy. With famous neighbors like Intel, Palo Alto Networks, NetFlix, CISCO, Yahoo, Sophos, and others, this is not a surprise for us. If you wish to come and explore our high tech corridor and our neighbors, let us know. Till then we wish the best for Pied Piper and its continued success against the “Hoolie’s” of the world!

Check the episode clip at

Does your Financial System look like this?

Dinosaur toy on white background


Yes. Real Estate Brokerage Financial Systems are broken today with pieces working here and there. They have no ability to automate diverse commission/fee plans, has limited manual reporting, no analytics..… essentially no pulse of the business. You may be balancing the books but your managers are left in the dark regarding analytics to compete in the marketplace.

Worst you are being cajoled to convert from one dinosaur to another – all frozen in time!

You need one scalable financial system in the cloud, that has pulse of your business real time, automates any commission/fee plan, has web API to port data in/out, provides on demand role based access for reports and analytics, has integrated transaction, paperless, E-signatures and risk management platform.

One system that can drive your business in to the 21st century.

That system is planetRE!

Fragmented Business Information

Dollar (Posted on Jan 28 2015) -1

Vendor A with fancy E-sign, Vendor B for Doc Storage, Vendor C for Back Office, Vendor D for something else…list goes on and on!!

Don’t run your brokerage information business in fragments or it could be an economic failure.

Many brokers have taken definitive steps to modernize by integrating their transactional and financial systems on the CLOUD for single entry, competitive advantage, information transparency, and analytics.

Check out the latest wave of brokers who are doing it with success.

Read This On Press Release

Call us and we can discuss ways you can transit out of broken information “silos” for better risk and financial management.

Facebook IDX APPs are here!!

fbapps (Posted on Jan 27 2015)


Yes, Facebook® marketing is a huge lead source for agents when done correctly. With over 1.5 billion people on this giant network, agents can get a ton of better qualified leads. Most forecasted real estate deals for 2015 will be conducted by new millennial who happen to spend a lot of time on Facebook.

planetRE Facebook IDX APPs(*) provides you with a cost effective way of branding and reaching out to this large audience with accurate property search, map search and valuable “Market Watch” data derived from your reliable IDX feed that draws more attention than just a static page.

We can provide you with a variety of apps to be installed on one or more of your business pages starting at $199/mo(**) — and requires no work on your part. It can capture the leads, the “likes” and every social intelligence to help you close faster.

You can use APPs for consumer marketing, agent recruitment and a whole lot more. If you want to run a successful real estate business, this is a must!

Lead Generation by Alphabet Soup

SEo&PPC (Posted on Jan 15 2015)


These words are Latin to most agents along with phrases like “keyword density” or “edge ranking”.

Yet these “alphabet soups” govern major aspects of real estate marketing, leads and your overall business growth.

You do not have to be the expert on how to implement this as long as you understand the benefits of leveraging this to grow your business.

Call us and we will show you the choices and strategies of putting the power of these alphabets behind you to generate more business for 2015!