Lead Independence 101

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

– Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie’s (1837–1919) novel


Many progressive minded agents buy leads from national portals. These companies BUY traffic from search engines like Google®, Bing®, use your listings and redistribute leads back to you!

If they can buy search traffic, so can you and still be in full control of your leads and your destiny without the worry of a middleman or rationing of leads.

planetRE offers you options for total freedom as an agent, team or a broker. Using intelligently crafted online lead strategies, you can develop a healthy traffic of buyers and sellers hitting your websites directly.

Lead Independence (Posted on Apr 06 2016)

With new innovations like LifeStyle Panel Property Searches, consumers can get richer search experience with relevance, “stickiness” and rapid conversion on your branded sites than any other portal.

With advanced CRM and lead management using text, voice, and deep social media, you can manage leads with “Uber® response” .

Learn to fish, don’t keep buying fish every day.

Call us to find out more.

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Email: sales@planetre.com
Website: www.planetre.com


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